Test Code |
Test Name |
Completed on |
Expires on |
Test Score |
Print Certificates |
CSC-01 |
Seizure Disorders |
CSC-02 |
Infection Controls and Blood-Borne Pathogens (OSHA) |
CSC-03 |
The Aging Process and the Special Needs of the Elderly |
CSC-04 |
Fundamental Rights of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities |
CSC-05 |
Community Integration and Inclusion |
CSC-06 |
Supporting Individuals and Families in Making Choices |
CSC-07 |
General Characteristics and Needs of Individuals Served |
CSC-08 |
Communications Skills |
CSC-09 |
Individual-Directed, Outcome-Oriented Planning for Individuals |
CSC-10 |
Communicable Diseases |
CSC-11 |
CSC-12 |
First Aid |
CSC-13 |
Principles of Behavior Change |
CSC-14 |
Medication Administration |
CSC-15 |
CSC-16 |
Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention |
CSC-17 |
Approved Forms of Discipline and Behavior Management |
CSC-18 |
Child Abuse |
CSC-19 |
Emergency Preparedness and General Safety Practices |
CSC-20 |
Special Needs of Population Served |
CSC-21 |
Psycho Social and Emotional Needs |
CSC-22 |
Parenting Issues, Collaboration with Families |
CSC-23 |
The Role of Child Care Employee |
CSC-24 |
Child Development |
CSC-25 |
Food Preparation and Safety |
CSC-26 |
Cultural Diversity |
CSC-27 |
Incident Reporting |
CSC-28 |
Abuse and Neglect |
CSC-29 |
Fire Drill and Fire Safety Practice |
CSC-30 |
Defensive Driving and Transportation Safety |
CSC-31 |
MTTP Practical |
CSC-32 |
Asthma |
CSC-33 |
Bath Aid |
CSC-34 |
Blood Glucose Monitoring |
CSC-35 |
Breast Exam |
CSC-36 |
C-PAP Use and Care |
CSC-37 |
Catherization |
CSC-38 |
Diabetes |
CSC-39 |
Diastat Administration |
CSC-40 |
Dynovox Care |
CSC-41 |
Dysphagia Diet Training |
CSC-42 |
Enema |
CSC-43 |
Epipen |
CSC-44 |
Foley Catheter Care |
CSC-45 |
G-Tube Feeding / Medication Admin |
CSC-46 |
High Cholesterol |
CSC-47 |
Hoyer/Bath Aid |
CSC-48 |
Hypertension |
CSC-49 |
Inhalers |
CSC-50 |
Insuling Injection |
CSC-51 |
Lift Van Tie Downs |
CSC-52 |
Lifting / Transferring |
CSC-53 |
Med Competency |
CSC-54 |
Nebulizer |
CSC-55 |
OT Site |
CSC-56 |
Skin |
CSC-57 |
Suppository Administration |
CSC-58 |
Thickened Liquids |
CSC-59 |
Topical Administration |
CSC-60 |
Vital Signs (BP, TEMP,PULSE,RESP) |
CSC-61 |
Weights |
CSC-62 |
CSC-63 |
CSC-64 |
Behavior Plan |
CSC-65 |
Choking Prevention and Dysphagia Diets |
CSC-66 |
MANDT Training |
CSC-67 |
Work Place Violence, Bullying and Sexual Harassment |
CSC-68 |
Trauma Informed Care |