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csc_training_new   Center for Social Change - Staff Training & Electronic Documentation System                             Current User:    Location: 

My Training Status
Test Code Test Name Completed on Expires on Test Score
CSC-01 Seizure Disorders ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-02 Infection Controls and Blood-Borne Pathogens (OSHA) ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-03 The Aging Process and the Special Needs of the Elderly ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-04 Fundamental Rights of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-05 Community Integration and Inclusion ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-06 Supporting Individuals and Families in Making Choices ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-07 General Characteristics and Needs of Individuals Served ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-08 Communications Skills ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-09 Individual-Directed, Outcome-Oriented Planning for Individuals ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-10 Communicable Diseases ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-11 CPR ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-12 First Aid ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-13 Principles of Behavior Change ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-14 Medication Administration ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-15 RCYCP ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-16 Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-17 Approved Forms of Discipline and Behavior Management ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-18 Child Abuse ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-19 Emergency Preparedness and General Safety Practices ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-20 Special Needs of Population Served ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-21 Psycho Social and Emotional Needs ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-22 Parenting Issues, Collaboration with Families ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-23 The Role of Child Care Employee ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-24 Child Development ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-25 Food Preparation and Safety ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-26 Cultural Diversity ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-27 Incident Reporting ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-28 Abuse and Neglect ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-29 Fire Drill and Fire Safety Practice ?communication_logPage=5
CSC-30 Defensive Driving and Transportation Safety ?communication_logPage=5

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